字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>嚴格地的英文翻譯


拼音:yán gé dì


grimly; sternly; straitly; strictly


  1. 嚴格地說,那不是一本字典,而是一本語法書。
    That is not, properly speaking, a dictionary but a grammar book
  2. 我方將十分嚴格地按照你方規定的要求去做。
    We shall take particular care to keep strictly to your specifications.
  3. 我的醫生正嚴格地控制我的飲食。
    My doctor is dieting me strictly.
  4. 嚴格地說,狂熱是一種使人極端性的精神病。
    Strictly, mania is a kind of madness which makes people violent.
  5. 所有這些零部件都是嚴格地按技術要求加工製造的。
    All these parts were machined strictly to specification .
  6. 他們嚴格地照法律辦事。
    They take their stand on the strict interpretation of the law.
  7. 我的醫生嚴格地令我做飲食控制。
    My doctor is dieting me severely.
  8. 嚴格地說,蛇晰是一種爬行動物。
    Strictly speaking,a slow - worm is a kind of reptile
