字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>嚴厲的的英文翻譯


拼音:yán lì de


severe; sharp; crucial; acrimonious; ironhanded; pungent; rigorous; strict
【法】 drastic; extreme; harsh; severe


  1. 這些孩子的行為太粗野,必須受到嚴厲的斥責。
    The children must be reproved for their wild behavio(u)r.
  2. 我們要同這種現象作嚴厲的鬥爭。
    We must wage a stern struggle against this phenomenon.
  3. 我受到了嚴厲的批評。
    I was subjected to severe criticism.
  4. 我認為她被暫停參加隊的比賽是很嚴厲的處罰。
    I think her suspension from the team was a very harsh punishment
  5. 攻擊嚴厲的言辭或人身攻擊
    A harsh verbal or physical attack.
  6. 他向來不以嚴厲的手段處置部屬。
    He used not to carry a severe hand over his subordinates.
  7. 任何一個把有毒廢棄物倒入河裡的人都應該受到嚴厲的處分。
    A: Anyone who dumps toxic waste into rivers should be severely punished
  8. 對…實施嚴厲的懲罰
    To inflict severe punishment on.
