字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>嚴肅的的英文翻譯


拼音:yán sù de


serious; solemn; earnest; grave; severe; sober


  1. 嚴肅的或更嚴重的。
    tending to make sober or more serious.
  2. 親情教育:平常而又嚴肅的話題
    Affectional Education:A Normal but Serious Topic
  3. 不是為嚴肅的理由進行的起訴或訴訟。
    Complaint or action which is not brought for a serious reason.
  4. 今天,我要作出嚴肅的宣誓。
    Today,I want to make a serious vow.
  5. 結束了嚴肅的技術話題,進入了實習生才藝PK階段。
    After the serious technical topic, we came into a trainee art PK stage.
  6. 他的確有一副嚴肅的臉孔,但內心卻是很富幽默感。
    Indeed he has a solemn face, but he is very humorous at heart
  7. 葬禮是件嚴肅的事情。
    A funeral is a sober event
  8. 那個神父在公眾場合裝出一副嚴肅的樣子。
    The priest pretends to be solemn in public.
