字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>也不的英文翻譯


拼音:yě bù




  1. 我什麼也不記得了.
    There’s a big hole in my head.
  2. 一秒鐘也不能耽擱了。
    There is not a second to be lost
  3. 人類做的每件事情都自有用意,笑也不例外。
    Everything humans do has a function, and laughing is no exception.
  4. 中庸之道是承認自己既好也不好,既軟弱又仍有力量。
    The middle way is to recognise that we are goodand bad, weak and strong.
  5. 他沒有錢,也不知道能夠向誰借錢。
    He had no money, nor did he know anyone he could borrow from, either.
  6. 寧可天生是個乞丐,也不願是個傻瓜。
    It is better to be born a beggar than a fool
  7. (一點兒也不介意,儘管用吧。)
    B: No, not at all. Go ahead.
  8. 嬌龍:我幾首什麼也不管。
    Jiaolong: I am hardly lifting a finger at all.
