字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>葉的的英文翻譯


拼音:yè de


foliaceous; foliar; lobar
【醫】 lobar


  1. 美國東部的小的每年落葉的叢生的樹或灌木。
    small deciduous clump-forming tree or shrub of eastern United States.
  2. 細枝,嫩枝木本植物的小的無葉的枝條
    Any small, leafless branch of a woody plant.
  3. 霜桑葉的食用價值的研究
    Studies on Edible Values of Frost Mulberry Leaves
  4. 小葉復葉的一小部分
    One of the segments of a compound leaf.
  5. 一種葉子形狀;在頂點有一對葉的羽狀葉。
    of a leaf shape; pinnate with a pair of leaflets at the apex.
  6. 葉的,葉狀的具有葉子的或葉狀結構的
    Having leaves or leaflike structures.
  7. 讓他走過有著厚厚落葉的道路,當他走過的時候會發出嘎吱嘎吱的聲音。
    He goes through a thick carpet of leaves that crunch when he walks.
  8. 大樹樹葉的蔭蔽使這個湖的景色變得模糊了。
    The foliage of the huge tree obscures the view of the lake.
