字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>夜深人靜的英文翻譯 “夜深人靜”的日文翻譯


拼音:yè shēn rén jìng


in the still of night


深夜人聲漸減,一片寂靜 夜深人靜,為何叩門?——明&mi... >>查看“夜深人靜”在國語詞典中的解釋


1.late  2.deadhours  


  1. 夜深人靜不眠時
    the still watches of the night
  2. 夜深人靜的時候可以聽到遠處的鐘聲。
    In the stillness of night the ringing of a distant bell could be heard.
  3. 現在,夜深人靜時我想到所有那些我從未能說出的話,我想到所有那些我在第一次婚姻中錯過的機會。
    Now,late at night I think of all the words I never said.
  4. 夜深人靜之時,士兵們向敵人發起了進攻。
    The soldiers moved against the enemy in the dead of the night.
  5. 我經常在夜深人靜時散步。
    I always walk in the quiet of the night.
  6. 夜深人靜的時候可以聽到遠處的鐘聲。
    In the stillness of night the ringing of a distant bell could be heard
  7. 夜深人靜
    in the stillness of the night
  8. 那男人夜深人靜時仍在街上徘徊。
    The man is still on the prowl around the street at dead of night.
