字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>依的英文翻譯 “依”的日文翻譯



according to; comply with; depend on
【醫】 cata-; kat-


依 yī 靠,仗賴:依靠。依傍(a.依靠;b.摹仿,多指藝術、學問)。依戀。依...


  1. 不值得靠或者信任。
    not worthy of reliance or trust.
  2. 經濟援助者賴於別人,尤其是經濟援助的人
    One who relies on another especially for financial support.
  3. 朝鮮半島和解進程然曲折。
    Reconciliation on the Korean Peninsula is moving haltingly.
  4. 這一理論還沒有實踐據。
    There is no experimental evidence for the theory.
  5. 我們應該指出,證據完全是情況而定的。
    We should point out that the evidence is purely circumstantial .
  6. 寄生蟲剝奪別人利益或過分賴他人生活的人;寄生蟲
    A person who is intrusively or overly dependent upon another; a parasite
  7. 如果將人物刪除,那頭頂上的光環舊。
    If omit the personage, the crown on the head remains shining.
  8. 不能因為孩子小, 就什麼都著他。
    You shouldn't comply with every wish of his just because he is a child.
