字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>一串的英文翻譯


拼音:yī chuàn


string; trail


1.string  2.a string of  3.a cluster of  4.trail  5.stream  


  1. 他剪下一串葡萄招待我們。
    He cut off a bunch of grapes to entertain us.
  2. 留下一串無用的諾言
    Left a trail of broken promises.
  3. 她戴著一串綠色的珠子項鍊。
    She was wearing a string of green beads.
  4. 串珠飾雕刻成如一串珍珠樣的模件
    A small molding carved to resemble a string of beads.
  5. 他把這些五顏六色的小石頭串成一串作為送給妹妹的禮物。
    He strung the coloured tiny stones together as a present for his sister.
  6. 一串鑰匙,一個指甲刀。
    A string of keys and a nail clipper.
  7. 發出一串唧唧聲
    To utter a series of chirps
  8. 留下一串無用的諾言
    Left a trail of broken promises.
  9. 一串價值連城的首飾
    An array of royal jewels.
  10. 用作身份證明的一個或一串數字。
    a numeral or string of numerals that is used for identification.
