字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>一點一點的英文翻譯


拼音:yī diǎn yī diǎn


bit by bit


  1. 他們一點一點地攀上那座陡峭的山。
    They climbed the steep mountain inch by inch.
  2. 藝術家一點一點地雕刻大理石。
    The artist cut away the marble bit by bit.
  3. 那個孩子只是一點一點地吃著自己的食物。
    The child was merely pecking at his food.
  4. 奧利維亞開動一台車床,車床一點一點地切削著金屬毛坯。
    Olivia runs a lathe which cuts semifinished product of metal by inches
  5. 我決定一點一點戒菸。
    I decide to cut down smoking bit by bit.
  6. 我們一點一點地學看做那項工作。
    We learn to do that job bit by bit.
  7. 她反應太慢了,什麼事你都得一點一點跟他解釋。
    She’s slow. You have to spoon-feed everything to him.
  8. 一個掘墓人拿起一把巨大的鐵鏟,一點一點地清除墓穴里的積土;
    One grave-digger took a wide shovel and little by little emptied the grave;
