字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>一階的英文翻譯


拼音:yī jiē


【計】 first order


  1. 一名好演員能夠表現出由快樂至痛苦的每一階段的感情變化。
    A good actor can express every gradation of feeling from joy to grief.
  2. 這就是一個一階謂詞演算不可表述的屬性。
    This is not expressible as a first-order predicate calculus property
  3. 指教育和學習的第一階段。
    of the first stage of education and schools.
  4. 一階層,我們是必須爭取的。
    This is a stratum we must win over
  5. 一階共形平坦空間的幾個性質
    Some Properties on the Conformally Flat Riemannian Space of Class One
  6. 轉相從一個階段變到另一階段,如月相變化或季節變化
    To go from one phase to another, as the moon or the seasons.
