字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>依舊的英文翻譯 “依舊”的日文翻譯


拼音:yī jiù


as before; as of old; rest; still
【醫】 in statu quo; in statu quo ante


依然像從前一樣書房的陳設依舊未變 >>查看“依舊”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 我站在那兒,依舊不相信我達成的新協定。
    I stood there still not believing what a raw deal I had been handed
  2. 背誦是古老的,但依舊是最好的學習英文的方法。
    Recitation is the old but still the best way to study English.
  3. 依舊是我唯一的真愛嗎?
    Is you still my one true love?
  4. 美國宇航局將於明天嘗試再次發射,但是惡劣的天氣依舊不斷的出現在天氣預報中。
    NASA will try again tomorrow but bad weather is still on the forecast.
  5. 對於我們凡人來說, 生活依舊
    Life goes on for those of us who remain here below.
  6. 今天,矮人們依舊保持著警覺性。
    Today, the dwarves still keep a watchful vigilance up.
  7. 依舊是一個未受胎的卵,一個未得花粉的雌蕊。
    He remains an un-impregnated ovum, an unfertilized pistil.
  8. 看台上依舊沒有一個人影,戲台上仍然鴉雀無聲。
    Then anger followed on the heels of impatience;
