字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>醫療費的英文翻譯


拼音:yī liáo fèi


【法】 medical fee




  1. 逆向選擇——醫療費用預付制面臨的困境
    Adverse selection:plight of medical prospective payment
  2. 住院患者醫療費用上漲的分析及評價
    Analysis and Evaluation of Medical Cost Increase for Inpatients
  3. 新型農村合作醫療制度對農民醫療費用的影響研究
    On the effect of the new rural CMS the village residents’ medical expenses
  4. 醫療費用高得令人驚愕不已。
    The cost of medical care is stupefyingly high.
  5. ③按病種定額預付醫療費用的研究;
    ③ research on advance payment of medical cost by categorizing cases;
  6. 所有這些醫療費用已把我的錢都花光了。
    All these hospital expenses have cleared me out.
  7. 基於DRGs的住院醫療費用分析
    The Analysis about the Expense of Inpatient Based on DRGs
  8. 安徽省新型農村合作醫療費用償付方案分析評價
    Analysis and evaluation on reimbursement scheme of CMS in Anhui Province
