字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>引導的的英文翻譯


拼音:yǐn dǎo de


introductory; pilot
【計】 guiding




  1. 視覺引導的眼球運動的神經控制。第3-46頁。
    The Neural Control of Visually Guided Eye Movements. Pp. 3-46.
  2. 與道德或是非觀相一致的,由道德心引導的
    guided by or in accordance with conscience or sense of right and wrong.
  3. 帶領我在他的領域中做一次有引導的旅行;一次被引導的歐洲旅行。
    took me on a conducted tour of his fields; a guided tour of Europe.
  4. 指示的;引導的用作導向的,如一顆北極星或地球的一極
    Serving as a guide, as a polestar or a pole of the earth.
  5. 無目標的,無指導的沒有目標或目的的;無引導的
    Having no object or purpose; not guided.
  6. 不憑良心的;沒有是非觀引導的
    not conscientious; not guided by a sense of right and wrong.
  7. 所有通徑閥門的這種閥瓣是通過閥桿引導的
    The disc is stem guided on all sizes.
  8. 帶領我在他的領域中做一次有引導的旅行;一次被引導的歐洲旅行。
    took me on a conducted tour of his fields; a guided tour of Europe
