字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>硬幣的英文翻譯 “硬幣”的日文翻譯


拼音:yìng bì


coin; hard cash
【經】 coin; effective money; hard cash; hard currency; hard money; hard stuff
metallic currency; mintage; specie


(1) (2) 由政府發行上有印記的具有一定實在價值或交換價值的金屬幣(偶爾也用... >>查看“硬幣”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 那邊有台收25美分硬幣的自動售貨機。
    We have a vending machine right over there that takes quarters.
  2. 他將一枚10分硬幣投入縫中並拿起了電話筒。
    He inserted a dime into the slot and picked up the receiver
  3. 硬幣模子,鑄模用來衝壓硬幣的金屬圓盤;原坯
    A metal disk to be stamped as a coin; a blank
  4. 一個二角五分硬幣可烘十分鐘。
    A quarter lasts ten minutes
  5. 投,擲向一個目標射出、扔或投擲(如硬幣等)
    To shoot, throw, or pitch(a coin, for example) at a mark.
  6. 我在路上拾起一枚硬幣
    I picked up a coin on the road
  7. 從年起大英國協開始使用的價值百分之一英鎊的硬幣
    a coin used in Great Britain since 1971 worth one hundredth of a pound
  8. 擲或拋硬幣,按正反面打賭決定勝負
    To flip or toss(coins) and compare the sides that land face up.
