字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>嬰兒的英文翻譯


拼音:yīng ér


baby; infant; newborn; nursling
【醫】 baby; infant; nursling


1.nestling  2.neonate  3.moppet  4.pappoose  5.papoose  6.nursling  7.newborn  8.trottie  9.cheeper  10.babyhood  11.babe  12.child  13.parvulus  14.bambino  15.baba  


  1. 他笑著看著這個嬰兒
    He looked at the baby with a smile.
  2. 護士正在給嬰兒洗澡。
    The nurses were bathing the babies.
  3. 醫生們在努力保證早產嬰兒成活方面熱情很高。
    The doctors were zealous in their efforts to ensure the survival of premature babies.
  4. 嬰兒從五樓摔下來竟沒受傷真是一個奇蹟
    It was a real marvel that the baby was unhurt when he fell from the fifth floor.
  5. 嬰兒在8點鐘出生。
    The baby was born on 8 o'clock.
  6. 我們用紅皮球換下了藍皮球,看這嬰兒會不會發覺。
    We substituted a red ball for blue to see if the baby would notice.
  7. 他逗弄著嬰兒,哄他不再哭。
    He dandled the baby to stop it crying.
  8. 他們對著新生嬰兒愛撫地輕聲細語。
    They all cooed over the new baby.


嬰兒的意思 初生的幼兒 ∶一周歲內的兒童 ∶道教稱鉛為;嬰兒;嬰兒奼女配陰陽,鉛汞相投分日月。;;《西遊記》 又如:嬰兒奼女道教稱鉛和汞詳細解釋.初生幼兒。《老子》:“我獨泊兮其未兆,如嬰兒之未孩。” 唐
