字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>影像學的英文翻譯


拼音:yǐng xiàng xué


【醫】 iconography


  1. 急性跟腱撕裂的影像學診斷
    Imaging diagnosis of the acute Achilles tendon rupture
  2. 正常國人松果體MRI影像學研究
    MRI study of pineal in normal Chinese
  3. 腦室內豬囊蟲病的CT和MR影像學診斷
    Diagnosis of cysticercosis of cerebral ventricles by CT and MR image
  4. Abernethy畸形的影像學表現
    The imaging manifestations of Abernethy malformation
  5. 本文回顧文獻並討論此症之影像學表現及強調磁振影像在?別診斷之重要性。
    The importance of MR imaging in the differential diagnoses is emphasized.
  6. 腦灰質異位症的影像學研究
    Imaging Observation of Gray Matter Heterotopia
  7. 乳癌骨轉移的ECT、CT影像學評價
    ECT and CT Imaging Evaluation of Skeletal Metastases from Breast Cancer
  8. 大腦灰質異位症臨床表現及影像學特徵
    Clinical and imaging characteristics of heterotopic gray matter
