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  1. 套用於普通開關電話網數據傳輸上的術語,指撥通某接收站的電話號碼就能訪問該系統的性質和動作。
    A term applied to a data transmission carried on the public switched telephone network and initiated by dialing the telephone number of the receiving station.
  2. 仿生學是研究生物的,也就是探索可以套用於工程的生物學原理的研究。
    Bionics is the study of living creatures, a study in search of principles applicable to engineering.
  3. 摘要剪力牆結構被廣泛套用於多、高層建築。
    The structure of shearwall has been used in multi-storey buildings.
  4. 索尼公司說他們還沒打算將這項技術套用於商業產品上。
    Sony said it has yet to decide on commercial products using the technology.
  5. 計算機AutoCAD技術套用於接觸網軟橫跨計算
    Calculation of Overhead Span of OCS by Applying Technology of AutoCAD
  6. 將CAD/CAE套用於9LRZ-80秸稈揉切機切碎器的設計。
    CAD/CAE faces the cutter design of 9LRZ-80 rubbing and cutting machine.
  7. 目的 :合成一種套用於生物反應體系的新型緩衝劑。
    Objective:To synthesize new buffers for biological reaction system.
