字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>一氣的英文翻譯 “一氣”的日文翻譯


拼音:yī qì


stretch; without a break


(1) ∶一舉,一次,不間斷地一氣呵成(2) ∶同一幫派,聲氣相通;同夥他們通同... >>查看“一氣”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 他作此畫一氣呵成。
    He did the picture at a heat.
  2. 承包契約批給了總會計師的朋友,(可謂)各有好處、串通?em>黃?
    The contract went to a friend of the chief accountant: it's (a case of) you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.
  3. 他發覺誰也沒有聽他講話,一氣之下就走了。
    When he realized nobody was listening to him, he left the room in a fit of pique.
  4. 他對投資一竅不通,只是瞎搞一氣罷了。
    He knew nothing about investment; he just it went it blind.
  5. 一氣之下走了。
    She left in a fit of pique
  6. 一氣之下走了。
    She left in a fit of pique.
  7. 那姑娘一氣之下掛斷了男朋友的電話。
    The girl was so angry that she hung up on her boyfriend.
  8. 他看起來工作很緊張, 其實不過是在瞎忙一氣
    He seemed to be working hard, but was just running round in circles.
