字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>一掃而光的英文翻譯 “一掃而光”的日文翻譯


拼音:yī sǎo ér guāng


clear off; finish off


見“ 一掃而空 ”。 >>查看“一掃而光”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 行軍走了一下午之後,吃晚飯時他們把東西一掃而光
    After hiking all afternoon, they quickly ate up all of the dinner.
  2. 我們一聽說你病了,歡樂的氣氛一掃而光
    It took all the fun out of the occasion when we heard that you were ill.
  3. 這個飢餓的男孩把桌上全部食物一掃而光
    The hungry boy stowed away all the food on the table.
  4. 轉眼之間, 奶油麵包和臘腸卷就被一掃而光
    The cream buns and sausage rolls were polished off in next to no time.
  5. 行軍走了一下午之後,吃晚飯時他們把東西一掃而光
    After hiking all afternoon, they quickly ate up all of the dinner.
  6. 當她吻他時,他的沮喪一掃而光
    His depression comes to an end when she kisses him.
  7. 我的心開始緊張的跳動,同時我的緊張情緒也一掃而光
    My heart started pumping, and my nervousness disappeared.
  8. 桌上的午餐被飢餓的孩子們一掃而光
    Everything on the lunch table was finished up soon by the hungry children.
