字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>醫生的英文翻譯 “醫生”的日文翻譯


拼音:yī shēng


a medical man; doctor; Dr.; medical; pillroller
【醫】 aesculapian; Esculapian; healer


唐時設定學校令人習醫,凡學醫的人稱為醫生。今則用為業醫治病者通稱 >>查看“醫生”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 要做的第一件事是找醫生做一次全面的檢查。
    The first thing to do is to see a doctor for a complete checkup.
  2. 醫生們能查出感染的原因嗎?
    Were the doctors able to track down the cause of the infection?
  3. 醫生:你的扁桃體有點發炎。
    Doctor:You have a slight tonsillitis
  4. 醫生:“對你的抱怨我無能為力。那是遺傳病。”
    Doctor: ″I can do nothing for your complaint. It is hereditary.
  5. 他想當醫生
    She wants to be a doctor.
  6. 醫生使他甦醒轉來。
    The doctor restored him to life.
  7. 醫生,我該怎么辦?
    What can I do about it, doctor?
  8. 你可以叫我“醫生”。
    You can address me as Doctor.
