字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>依依的英文翻譯 “依依”的日文翻譯


拼音:yī yī


reluctant to leave


(1) ∶形容樹枝柔弱,隨風搖擺楊柳依依(2) ∶戀戀不捨的樣子依依不捨二情同依... >>查看“依依”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 我對我的家依依不捨
    I am attached to my family.
  2. 他們依依而別離。
    They parted the best of friends.
  3. 他們多年相處,一朝分別, 不免依依不捨。
    After being together for years, they can't bear to part from each other.
  4. 依依惜別
    reluctantly part with sb.
  5. 依依惜別的時刻
    at this moment when we reluctantly bid farewell to one another
  6. 他對那大學依依不捨, 因為他在那裡工作了差不多30年。
    He attached himself to the university where he worked nearly thirty years.
  7. 起程回校的時候到了,大家都有些依依不捨。
    When it was time to go, they left unwillingly.
  8. 依依不捨
    be reluctant to part; cannot bear to part
