字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>傭的英文翻譯 “傭”的日文翻譯



commission; hire; servant


傭 (傭) yōng 雇用,受僱用:僱傭。傭工。傭耕。 受僱用的人:女傭。 ...


  1. 我雇了個人,她每周來打掃三次。
    I have a servant who comes in and cleans three times a week!
  2. 在雇的問題上,喬治騙了我。
    George threw me a curve about the hiring
  3. 我辭退了女,因為她手腳不老實。
    I dismissed the betweenmaid because of her dishonesty.
  4. 金率
    Rate of commission or scale of commission
  5. 當地居民備受野蠻雇軍的欺壓
    The local population is kept under by a brutal army of mercenaries
  6. 如果金提高了,價格也要提高。
    A higher commission means a higher price
  7. 劉: 按照慣例,我們不給金。
    Well, as a rule, we do not do business on commission basis.
  8. 現在,我們來看看雇勞動。
    Let us now take wage-labour.
