字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>擁護者的英文翻譯


拼音:yōng hù zhě


advocate; advocator; champion; defender; vindicator


1.protector  2.vindicator  3.adherent  4.votarist  5.abherent  6.advocator  7.defender  8.champion  9.advocate  


  1. 她要向那些不明所以的擁護者解釋自己的那種行為。
    She had to explain her behaviour to her perplexed supporters.
  2. 這位法官是監獄改革的堅決擁護者
    This judge is a strong advocate of prison reform.
  3. 他是君主制的堅定擁護者
    He's a staunch supporter of the monarchy.
  4. 這位法官是監獄改革的堅決擁護者
    This judge is a strong advocate of prison reform.
  5. 每個妄誕總會有個擁護者出來為它辯護
    Every absurdity has a champion to defend it
  6. 她是自由貿易的忠實擁護者
    She’s a staunch advocate of free trade
  7. 她是中藥堅定的擁護者
    She is a firm believer in Chinese traditional medicine
  8. 我黨在南方有一大批擁護者
    Our party has a large following in the south
