字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>有斑點的的英文翻譯


拼音:yǒu bān diǎn de


flecked; guttate; macular; maculate; spotted; streaky
【醫】 tachetee; tachetic


  1. 有斑點的母雞
    a speckled hen
  2. 雜色的具有多樣的顏色的;有斑點的
    Having a variety of colors; variegated.
  3. 美國西南部有斑點的大型蝙蝠,耳朵巨大。
    large spotted bat of southwestern United States having enormous ears.
  4. 雜色的具有多樣的顏色的;有斑點的
    Having a variety of colors; variegated
  5. 亞洲南部和馬來西亞的有斑點的小野貓。
    small spotted wildcat of southern Asia and Malaysia.
  6. 有斑點的;滿是斑點的
    Spottedbadjimarked or covered with spots
  7. 產於北半球身上帶有斑點的小型海豹。
    small spotted seal of coastal waters of the northern hemisphere.
  8. 歐洲江河中有斑點的鮭魚;曾引殖入北美。
    speckled trout of European rivers; introduced in North America.
