字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>有空的的英文翻譯


拼音:yǒu kōng de


available; free


  1. 請問現在哪個出納員是有空的
    Can you tell me which teller is available?
  2. 有空的地方嗎?
    Is there still a place vacant
  3. 郭志現在你有空的話咱們就談。
    If you are free, let us talk shop now.
  4. 如果你碰巧有空的話,請到我的辦公室來。
    Please drop in at my office when you happen to be free.
  5. 我會等到你有空的時候。
    I can wait at your leisure.
  6. 有空的桌子嗎
    Is there a vacant table
  7. 有空的話回家途中我會順便來看你。
    I'll drop by on my way home if I have time.
  8. 有空的餐桌嗎?
    Can we have a table?
