字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>有利地的英文翻譯


拼音:yǒu lì dì




  1. 我們所在科研方面保持了有利地位。
    Our institute retained a pole position in scientific research
  2. 良好的教育使我們處於有利地
    A better education gave us the advantage.
  3. 高效率有利地反映了你作為領導的才能。
    The high efficiency reflected favorably on your ability as a leader.
  4. 高效率有利地反映了你作為領導的才能。
    The high efficiency reflected favorably on your ability as a leader
  5. 最佳地最佳地;最可信地或最有利地
    In a most excellent way; most creditably or advantageously
  6. 他們從一座高山的有利地形觀測一個山谷。
    They surveyed a valley from the vantage ground of a high hill
  7. 良好的教育使我們處於有利地
    A better education gave us the advantage
  8. 他們因為野蠻對待黑人居民而喪失了自己的有利地位。
    They threw away their advantage by their savagery to the black population.
