字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>有力地的英文翻譯


拼音:yǒu lì dì


effectively; strong


  1. 發表長篇大論;強有力地演講。
    deliver a harangue to; address forcefully
  2. 我強有力地提出了我的論點。
    I pushed the point right home.
  3. 悸動急迅而有力地抖動;戰慄、搖動或顫動
    To move with a slight tremulous motion; tremble, shake, or quiver.
  4. 有力地揭露了他們之間的骯髒關係。
    This is a telling exposure of the foul relationship between them
  5. 她的文章有力地回擊了那些批評者.
    Her article was a counterblast to her critics.
  6. 大聲地、強有力地唱出或奏出
    Sing or play sth loudly and forcefully
  7. 一個晚上,拉爾夫向公主明確有力地表達了自己的愛。
    One evening, Ralph articulated his love to the princess.
  8. 發表長篇大論;強有力地演講。
    deliver a harangue to; address forcefully.
