字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>有名的的英文翻譯


拼音:yǒu míng de


famous; well-known; celebrated; eminent; renowned
【計】 named


  1. 許多有名的大學教授都是該委員會的成員。
    A number of distinguished professors sat on this committee
  2. 《卡門》是一部有名的歌劇。
    Carmen is a well-known opera
  3. 他是一個有名的悲劇演員。
    He distinguished himself as a tragic actor
  4. 有名的作家
    a famous writer
  5. 布魯克林的一部分,在大西洋沿岸;是一個有名的娛樂中心。
    a section of Brooklyn on the Atlantic; known as an amusement center.
  6. 彼得是這個鎮上有名的藥劑師。
    Peter is a famous apothecary of this town.
  7. 非常有名的,具有傳奇性質的。
    so celebrated as to having taken on the nature of a legend.
  8. 卡爾是有名的繪畫大師。
    Carl is famous for being a master painter
