字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>優裕的的英文翻譯


拼音:yōu yù de




  1. 那時候,只有地主和資本家過著優裕的生活。
    Only the landlords and capitalists lived a life of ease then.
  2. 這種優裕的生活對我不合適;我還是喜歡簡樸的生活。
    All this gracious living is not for me; I prefer the simple life.
  3. 我很喜歡過優裕的生活。
    I rather enjoy living in the lap of luxury.
  4. 優裕的生活不是特倫特這樣活躍的人物所嚮往的。
    Easy street is no place for an active guy like Trent.
  5. 優裕的生活不適合我, 我寧願過簡樸的生活。
    All this gracious living isn't for me; I prefer the simple life.
  6. 她是一位景況十分優裕的婦女。
    She is a lady in very comfortable circumstances
  7. 自從他的生意興隆以來, 他們一直過著優裕的生活。
    They have been living on easy street since his business began to prosper.
  8. 那時候,只有地主和資本家過著優裕的生活。
    Only the landlords and capitalists lived a life of ease then
