字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>有助於的英文翻譯 “有助於”的日文翻譯


拼音:yǒu zhù yú


administer; conduce to; contribute; lend itself to; redound




  1. 一些黑咖啡將有助於使他清醒。
    Some black coffee will help to sober him up.
  2. 這些變化將有助於提高股票價格。
    These changes will help to boost share prices.
  3. 這種藥有助於清除你血液中的毒素。
    The medicine will help you to purge away the poison in your blood .
  4. 這種包裝有助於保持咖啡豆的良好風味。
    This type of packaged should help retard flavor deterioration.
  5. 有助於達到某一目的
    be instrumental to a purpose
  6. 專心學習有助於你記住知識。
    Concentrated study will help you to retain knowledge.
  7. 你的話大大有助於我們了解貴國的人民。
    Your words have helped us a great deal in understanding your people.
  8. 坦率的談論有助於消除隔閡。
    A frank discussion can help to clear the air
