字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>有罪的英文翻譯


拼音:yǒu zuì


criminality; guiltiness; in a state of nature
【法】 criminality; culpable; guiltiness; peccancy; sinful; transgress
transgress against the law


(1).有犯法的行為。亦指有犯法行為的人。《書·皋陶謨》:“天討有罪,五刑五用... >>查看“有罪”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 陪審團已裁定有罪
    The jury has[have] returned a verdict of guilty
  2. 根據英國法律, 一個人未經證實有罪仍視為無罪。
    In English law a man is accounted innocent until he is proved guilty
  3. 陪審團把有罪的裁決傳送下來。
    The jury handed down a verdict of guilty
  4. 有罪的人(沒有懺悔)。
    a person who sins (without repenting)
  5. 在法律上一個人在被證明有罪之前仍被認為是無辜的。
    By law a man is accounted innocent until he is proved guilty
  6. 罪犯一被發現有罪就被打入了監獄。
    Prison a prison ahe was found guilty
  7. 使某人顯得有罪
    to incriminate someone in wrongdoing
  8. 他因使用假支票而被判有罪
    He was convicted of uttering a false cheque
