字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>余的英文翻譯 “余”的日文翻譯



beyond; I; more than; over; remaining; surplus


余 (②余⑤餘) yú 我:“余將老”。 剩下來的,多出來的:剩餘。餘糧。餘興...


  1. 我把多的票讓給一位沒買到票的年輕婦女。
    I offered my spare ticket to a young lady who had not been able to get one
  2. 切直角三角形中角的正切的倒數
    The reciprocal of the tangent of an angle in a right triangle
  3. 的或剩下的人或事物
    The remaining persons or things in a group
  4. 胡慶
    Hu Qingyu Tang, Shop of Traditional Chinese Medicines
  5. 基於離散弦變換的大容量信息隱藏盲提取算法
    High capacity blind information hiding algorithm based on DCT
  6. 我所有的業時間都用在詩歌閱讀上。
    I spent all my spare time reading poetry.
  7. 你是專業的,我是業的。
    You are a professional, but I am a amateur.
  8. 有關方面就我的銀行存款額對我進行了詳細的調查。
    I was subjected to a lengthy inquisition into the state of my bank balance.
