字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>原始的的英文翻譯


拼音:yuán shǐ de


original; primary; aboriginal; rude; savage; simple; germinal; primitive
【醫】 archaic; primitive; primordial
【經】 primary; prime; primitive


  1. 可靠信息原始的或勿庸置疑的信息來源
    A source of information regarded as original or unimpeachable
  2. 這個叢林是原始的,看起來像沒有人到過那裡。
    The jungle was pristine - it looked like no person had ever been there.
  3. 始石器原始的石製品,如燧石
    A crude stone artifact, such as a flint
  4. 不是派生的;本源的或者原始的
    not derived; primary or simple.
  5. 太陽崇拜儀式或許是最為原始的一種。
    The cult of sun worship is probably the most primitive one.
  6. (構詞成分)表示最初、最早或者原始的
    (combining form) indicating the first or earliest or original.
  7. 滅絕魚類,具有大骨片構成的甲及原始的顎。
    extinct group of bony-plated fishes with primitive jaws.
  8. 我們去戶外露營,過了一周近乎原始的艱苦生活。
    We went camping and had to rough it for a week.
