字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>原物的英文翻譯 “原物”的日文翻譯


拼音:yuán wù


original; protoplast


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  1. 原物同尺寸的模型
    A full-scale model
  2. 原形圖某一物體的代替形式,作品至少與原物體一樣大
    A representation of an object that is at least as large as the object
  3. 原型,典型被公認為原型的模型或原物
    A model or an original used as an archetype
  4. 以對原物忠實為特點。
    marked by fidelity to an original.
  5. 原形圖某一物體的代替形式,作品至少與原物體一樣大
    A representation of an object that is at least as large as the object.
  6. 任何用來促使凝集原增殖的抗原物質。
    any substance that acts as an antigen to cause agglutinin production.
  7. 北歐海盜船原物大小的模型
    a life-size reconstruction of a Viking longboat
  8. 原物仿製或複製的作品。
    an imitation or reproduction of an original.
