字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>圓錐體的英文翻譯


拼音:yuán zhuī tǐ


cone; conoid
【電】 cone


  1. 圓錐體的頂點
    apex of a cone
  2. 指出那些圖形是圓錐體
    Which of the following are tapers?
  3. 一個類似圓錐體的浮標。
    a buoy resembling a cone
  4. 圓錐體是底面圓平頂尖的實體。
    A cone is a solid body which narrows to a point from a round, flat base
  5. 光線錐窄圓錐體或圓柱形的輻射性光束
    A beam of radiant energy in the form of a narrow cone or cylinder.
  6. 生成圓柱體或圓錐體的直線。
    a straight line that generates a cylinder or cone
  7. 圓錐體做的平截頭體。
    a frustum formed from a cone
  8. 光線錐窄圓錐體或圓柱形的輻射性光束
    A beam of radiant energy in the form of a narrow cone or cylinder
