字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>約定的的英文翻譯


拼音:yuē dìng de


conventional; due; given; promissory
【法】 arranged; promissory; stipulated


1.contracted  2.given  3.appointed  


  1. 準時的精確地在約定的時間行動或到達;準時的
    Acting or arriving exactly at the time appointed; prompt.
  2. 我比約定的時間來得早,所以只得在外面的辦公室里等著。
    I was early for the appointment, so I had to cool my heels in the outer office.
  3. 約定的時間她不在那裡。
    She wasn't there at the appointed time.
  4. 配偶意中或約定的結婚對象
    A person viewed as a prospective marriage partner
  5. 車、船、飛機)預定應到的,約定的
    S.S. Red Star is due to depart on June 30.
  6. 他的錢剛夠付約定的款項。
    He has only enough money to meet his engagements
  7. 這個排向事先約定的沙漠中的會合點進發。
    The platoon made its way to the pre-arranged rendezvous in the desert.
  8. 這種保險在約定的日期內,會支付您一定額度的錢。
    This insurance pays you a certain sum of money at an agreed date
