字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>越軌的英文翻譯 “越軌”的日文翻譯


拼音:yuè guǐ


aberrance; aberration; squint; transgression
【法】 deviation


超越規範越軌行為 >>查看“越軌”在國語詞典中的解釋


1.extravagate  2.ranofftherails  3.transgression  4.aberrancy  


  1. 我兒子年輕時確實有些越軌行為,但現在安下心來,並已結婚成家。
    My son did go off the rails for a while in his late teens but he has settled with a family.
  2. 我過去絕不會猜到,偏偏是瑪麗會行為越軌,竟然背著吉姆與另一個男人幽會。
    I would never have guessed that Mary of all people would go off the rails, and her she is seeing another man behind Jim's back.
  3. 在聚會後回去的路上,我和我女朋友在我汽車后座上有一點越軌的行為。
    On the way back from the party, my girl friend and I had a bit of how's your father on the back seat of my car.
  4. 背離常規;越軌
    Departure from a norm; deviation
  5. 越軌的行為;無人性的行為
    Personal acts which go beyond the limits of good behaviour, or humanity
  6. 越軌行動
    a movement out of the usual rut
  7. 我們對這種越軌行為容忍得太久了。
    We have winked at these irregularities too long.
  8. 逐漸越軌從初始的路線、模式、方式或目的的逐漸偏離
    A gradual deviation from an original course, model, method, or intention
