- 如果再繼續向前走一小時, 我們就到那個村子了。
If we keep on our way for another hour, we should reach the village.
- 暫時談到這裡,午飯後再繼續。
I would like to make a pause in my talk, and continue afterwards
- 若這些迷幻感再繼續出現,那我們可能非得檢查一下了。
If these free trips continue, we may have to run some tests.
- 敵人力量太弱, 無法再繼續進行這場戰爭了。
The enemy were so weak that they could not go on with the war.
- 目前的情況不得再繼續下去了。
The present state of affairs cannot be allowed to go on.
- 嚴重受傷,不能夠再繼續……。
so badly injured as to be unable to continue.
- 他當然情願這種活動不再繼續下去。
He preferred, of course, such activities should cease.
- 使休會不再繼續(比如議會)的會議
To discontinue a session of(a parliament, for example)