字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>再買的英文翻譯


拼音:zài mǎi


【法】 repurchase


  1. 我在記事簿上記下了要再買些咖啡。
    I made a memo on my memo-pad to buy more coffee.
  2. 在我進城時提醒我再買一罐噴發定型劑, 好嗎?
    Remind me to buy another hairspray when I’m in town, would you?
  3. 儘管如此,他又再買了一些。
    Although so, he has bought again some(ly) again.
  4. 請你去試用一下,如果你試用滿意,再買吧!
    Please take it on trial; if you find you like it, then buy it.
  5. 他弄丟了飛機票,需要再買一張。
    He lost his airplane ticket and needs to buy a new one.
  6. 每年春天我把有金屬頂蓋的汽車賣掉,再買一部頂篷可折起的車。
    Every spring I sell my hard-top and buy a convertible.
  7. 請拿它去試用,如果你喜歡它,那就再買
    Please take it on trial; if you like it, then buy it.
  8. 你能給我再買一條法國麵包嗎?
    Could you get a loaf of French bread, too
