字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>雜亂的的英文翻譯


拼音:zá luàn de


mixed and disorderly; mussy; promiscuous; immethodical; littery; tanglesome
【計】 scrambled


  1. 雜亂的狀態;混亂
    A state of disorder; confusion
  2. 如果雜亂的廚房是令人愉悅的,那這個廚房簡直就是讓人興奮至極了。
    A messy kitchen is a happy kitchen, and this kitchen is delirious
  3. 書桌上滿滿地放著一堆雜亂的檔案。
    The desk was covered with a litter of documents
  4. 一堆倒下的樹木和雜亂的灌木
    A mass of fallen timber and tangled brush
  5. 書桌上滿滿地放著一堆雜亂的檔案。
    The desk was covered with a litter of documents.
  6. 雜亂的狀態;混亂
    A state of disorder; confusion.
  7. 抽屜里一堆雜亂的紙屑
    A jumble of paper scraps in a drawer.
  8. 10是一個完美的數目字,但在人生中則是一個雜亂的階段。
    Ten is a neat number, but a messy stage in life
