字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>造訪的英文翻譯 “造訪”的日文翻譯


拼音:zào fǎng


call on; pay a visit


前往訪問;拜訪登門造訪 >>查看“造訪”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 他有時突然造訪使我們驚訝。
    He sometimes surprises us with a sudden visit.
  2. 造訪時,羅伯特一家正在吃飯。
    The Roberts were at table when I called.
  3. 你若不希望我們的代理人去造訪,請告之。
    Should you not wish our agent to call, please let us know.
  4. 在你造訪了菲力普島後,是否對企鵝有進一步的認識呢?
    Do you promote the awareness of penguins after visiting Phillip Island?
  5. 造訪時,羅伯特一家正在吃飯。
    The Roberts were at table when I called
  6. 軍事使者無意義的重複造訪得拒絕之。
    An unnecessary repetition of visits need not be allowed.
  7. 羅伯特,閣下突然深夜造訪,老瘸子我有什麼可以為您效勞的?
    Robert, a dramatic late-night arrival What can an old cripple do for you
  8. 他有時突然造訪使我們驚訝。
    He sometimes surprises us with a sudden visit.
