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拼音:zào mó


【機】 molding


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  1. 柴油機氣缸體實型鑄造模樣模具CAD/CAM
    Full Mold Casting Die CAD/CAM of EPS Pattern of Cylinder Block for Diesel
  2. 鎂合金消失模鑄造模樣消失過程的研究
    Study on Polystyrene Pattern Loss Process in Mg-alloy EPC
  3. 造模2w時有微量表達;
    a few in 2w;
  4. 結果在造模後血液中NSE、S-100、MBP、CK-BB水平都有升高,但各項指標升高的時間和幅度並不一致。
    The dynamic changes of S-100, CK-BB, NSE and MBP were detected.
  5. 試論砂型鑄造模具對鑄件精確度的影響
    Influence of Sand Casting Pattern on Casting Accuracy Degree
  6. 發明家建造模型具體實現他的理想。
    An inventor materializes his ideas by building a model
  7. 先進制造模式中的組織系統技術研究
    Studies on Organization System Technology in Advanced Manufacturing Mode
  8. 實型鑄造模具CIMS的研究與套用
    The Study and Application of CIMS to The Die Manufacture for EPS Process
