字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>雜務的英文翻譯 “雜務”的日文翻譯


拼音:zá wù


【經】 miscellaneous business


正事以外的瑣碎事務還有些雜務要處理 >>查看“雜務”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 勤雜兵派去服侍上級軍官並執行各種雜務的士兵
    A soldier assigned to attend a superior officer and perform various tasks.
  2. 所有雜務都落在他的身上,直到他最後拒絕再幹下去為止。
    All the chores fell to him until he finally bowed up
  3. 一個被雇用來處理家庭雜務的僕人。
    a servant who is employed to perform domestic task in a household
  4. 勤雜兵派去服侍上級軍官並執行各種雜務的士兵
    A soldier assigned to attend a superior officer and perform various tasks
  5. 他曾在一家商業銀行當雜務工。
    He once worked as porter in a commercial bank
  6. 輪流做廚房裡的雜務
    the rotation of kitchen chores
  7. 家庭雜務家庭中日常的或例行的事務
    Daily or routine domestic tasks.
  8. 一個被雇用來處理家庭雜務的僕人。
    a servant who is employed to perform domestic task in a household.
