字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>戰時的的英文翻譯


拼音:zhàn shí de




  1. 戰時的英勇事跡被拍成了電影和電視連續劇
    His wartime exploits were later made into a film and a television series
  2. 適應戰時的條件
    make an accommodation to wartime conditions
  3. 腓特烈:這真是可怕的一天。你清楚戰時的情況嗎?
    Frederick: That was a diabolical day. Did you understand what was going on?
  4. 軍隊已發展到戰時的實力。
    The army has built up to its wartime strength.
  5. 腓特烈:這真是可怕的一天。你清楚戰時的情況嗎?
    Frederick: That was a diabolical day Did you understand what was going on
  6. 我的思緒飄浮到了二戰時的情景,那時我還年輕卻已上了戰場。
    My thoughts drifted back to when I was young and had gone to war.
  7. 亨頓飛機博物館,已成為那架第二次世界大戰時的轟炸機永久性的收藏地。
    The World War Ⅱ bomber found a last home in the Hendon aircraft museum
  8. 戰時的艱苦包括食物配給和燃料短缺。
    Wartime austerities included food rationing and shortage of fuel.
