字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>政局的英文翻譯 “政局”的日文翻譯


拼音:zhèng jú


political situation
【法】 political situation; situation


政治局勢政局不穩 >>查看“政局”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 動盪不定的新加坡政局使人民感到不安。
    The volatile political situation in Singapore upset the people.
  2. 競選已進行到這么晚的階段,要想扭轉政局是很難辦的。
    It would be difficult to tip the political scales so late in the campaign.
  3. 競選已進行到這么晚的階段,要想扭轉政局是很難辦的。
    It would be difficult to tip the political scales so late in the campaign.
  4. 然而,英國布萊頓和豪富兩市的市政局卻希望康威就此打住。
    But 7)Brighton and 8)Hove Council would like him to 9)desist.
  5. 政局擺動理論也是如此。
    So it is with the theory of the pendulum.
  6. 索馬里的政局動盪不安。
    The political situation in Somalia is out of joint.
  7. 年內,兩個市政局的賬目也由審計署署長審核。
    The accounts of the two municipal councils were also audited in 1999.
