字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>制度化的英文翻譯


拼音:zhì dù huà


【法】 institutionalization


  1. APEC的制度化發展及其必要性探析
    The Development of APEC Regularization and the Analysis on its Necessity
  2. 我們必須力求把記帳方法制度化.
    We must try to systematize the way we do the accounts.
  3. APEC制度化發展趨勢的經濟因素分析
    An Analysis on the Economic Factors in the System Development Trend of APEC
  4. 制度化使成為機構,按機構對待,賦予機構的特點
    To make into, treat as, or give the character of an institution to.
  5. 軍官的晉升也要制度化
    The promotion of officers should also be systematized.
  6. 論APEC運作模式的制度化
    On the Systematization of APEC Operating Pattern
  7. 這個要制度化
    We should regularize all this.
  8. 儒家思想制度化的啟示
    The Enlightenment from the Systemization of Confucianism
