字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>執行委員的英文翻譯


拼音:zhí háng wěi yuán


【法】 business agent


  1. 他是該執行委員會委員。
    He is on the executive committee.
  2. (8)(a)執行委員會每一成員國應有一票表決權。
    (8) (a) Each country member of the Executive Committee shall have one vote
  3. (8)(a)執行委員會每一成員國應有一票表決權。
    (8) (a) Each country member of the Executive Committee shall have one vote.
  4. (iv)選舉大會執行委員會的委員;
    (iv) elect the members of the Executive Committee of the Assembly;
  5. 最高蘇維埃主席團以主席為領導的最高蘇維埃執行委員
    An executive committee of the Supreme Soviet headed by the president.
  6. 而由12人組成的執行委員會中,只有2名女性的身影。
    There are only 2 women on the 12-member executive board.
  7. (6)(a)執行委員會的職權如下:
    (6) (a) The Executive Committee shall:
  8. 南斯拉夫聯邦執行委員
    Federal Executive Council of Yugoslavia
