字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>肢體的英文翻譯 “肢體”的日文翻譯


拼音:zhī tǐ


【醫】 member; membra; membrum


(1) ∶四肢(2) ∶四肢和軀體 >>查看“肢體”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 拉伸或矯正一個彎曲的肢體
    act of stretching or straightening out a flexed limb
  2. 開了很長時間車,舒展一下肢體會很舒服。
    It feels good to stretch after a long drive.
  3. 人們也提到在試圖活動肢體時伴隨有巨大的疼痛。
    People may also report severe pain in the limbs when trying to move them.
  4. 醫生檢查了我的肢體的反射能力。
    The doctor checked my reflexes.
  5. 身體傷害罪故意傷害或致使他人肢體致殘的犯罪
    The offense of willfully maiming or crippling a person.
  6. 在他的左腳截肢之後,他變成一個肢體殘障人士。
    After the amputation of his left leg he becomes a cripple.
  7. 開了很長時間車,舒展一下肢體會很舒服。
    It feels good to stretch after a long drive
  8. 肢體壞疽(附81例北非地區病例分析)
    Gangrene of Limbs (Analysis of 81 Cases in Local Area of the North Africa)
