字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>秩序的英文翻譯 “秩序”的日文翻譯


拼音:zhì xù


method; order; sequence; system


(1) ∶次序(秩側重於有條理、不混亂;序側重於有先後、不顛倒)(2) ∶整齊而... >>查看“秩序”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 六、使孩子有內在的教養與秩序感。
    To help the child establish inner self-discipline and a sense of order.
  2. 清理使清潔或有秩序
    To make clean or orderly.
  3. 傳播福音的乞丐傳教士秩序中的男性僧侶。
    a male religious of an order of mendicant preachers of the gospel
  4. 秩序紊亂
    in a state of chaos; in disorder
  5. 干擾了和平或公共秩序的狀態。
    a disturbance of the peace or of public order.
  6. 維護公共秩序是警察的職責。
    It is the duty of the police to preserve public order.
  7. 警察負責維持法律與秩序
    The police are responsible for the preservation of law and order.
  8. 巡視一國邊境秩序的人。
    someone who patrols the borders of a country.
