字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>種的英文翻譯 “種”的日文翻譯



grow; seed; species; strain
【醫】 species


種 (種) zhǒng 生物在生態和形態上具有不同特點的分類的基本單位:物種。...


  1. 混合藥物有很大的潛在危險。
    It was a potentially lethal mixture of drugs
  2. 防滑釘一釘狀裝備,在攀登中用來抓住樹或柱
    A spurlike device used in gripping a tree or pole in climbing.
  3. 牛心形櫻桃培育出來的大而甜的多櫻桃,多汁水果
    A variety of cultivated cherry having sweet, juicy fruit
  4. 請吃塊這薄荷糖!
    Have one of these mints!
  5. 她接過麻疹疫苗嗎?什麼時候接的?
    D: Has she been vaccinated against measles? When was she vaccinated?
  6. 子每隔三英寸一顆。
    Seeds are planted at intervals of 3 inches.
  7. 伊比利亞語這些民族的任何一語言
    Any of the languages of these peoples.
  8. 我們有好多酒,您要喝哪?
    We have a great variety of wines.Which kind do you prefer?
